About This Site

Main Page | Archived Updates | About This Site | How to Create Your Own Character | Favourite Links | Humanoid Characters | Zora Characters | Goron Characters | Deku Characters | Other Characters | Game Ideas | Beowulf | Interesting Sayings and Mottos

You brought me here. Now what's the site all about?!
This site was created in the hopes that people would email me their Video Game ideas, and I would put them on the site. Hopefully, Nintendo will come and see the great ideas and possibly use them, maybe give us credit! So please, send me your game ideas! Also, I will be posting characters on the site, too, as soon as I get some characters!

Tell me how I am doing by signing my guestbook (farther down on the page):

Where are you from:
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?

I have decided to give some advice in games, love, etc. so email me your problems!

Be sure to e-mail me your character ideas!